Seat and Table Plan Designer

Seat and Table Plan Designer

Seat and Table Plan Designer on ThriveTickets

ThriveTickets offers a comprehensive seat and table plan designer to help organizers plan their event layouts. Here's how to use it:

  1. Log In to Your Account: Visit and log in to your organizer account.

  2. Go to My Events: Navigate to the "My Events" section in your dashboard.

  3. Select Event: Choose the event you want to design the layout for.

  4. Open Layout Designer: Click on "Seat and Table Plan Designer" to open the layout editor.

  5. Create Layout: Use the tools to drag and drop seats and tables, creating the desired layout for your venue.

  6. Assign Seats: Assign specific seats and tables to attendees as they purchase tickets.

  7. Save and Publish: Save your layout and publish the event.

For further assistance with the seat and table plan designer, please visit our Contact Page.

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